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Importance of Braj Raj (Dust of Braj Vrindavan)

by Saint Shri Jagannath Das, 06 Jul 2023

Once Shri Jagannath Das (a 17th Century Saint) was in Vrindavan. One day, He was very hungry. He saw a sweeper sweeping the floor. He asked him - I am very hungry, can you please give me your roti (bread). 
The sweeper replied - O Sage! Why do you ridicule me? I am a low caste sweeper. Why would you eat my roti? 
The sage said - Come on! A sweeper of Vrindavan is superior to any Brahmin.
The sweeper could not disobey. He gave his roti to the sage who ate it. However, when this event spread in Vrindavan, all the Brahmins complained that the sage did an impure action. His act was defying the historic rules of society.
To this, the sage replied - I understand your complaint. "You are all learned people. Don't you know the importance of the Vrindavan Raj (dust of Vrindavan)? 
It is so surcharged with Radha Krishna prema that even Lord Brahma desires to become a particle of Vrindavan. Therefore, isn't a Vrindavan sweeper who is constantly serving the dust, breathing it, rolling in it, and bathing in it, is more pure than anyone else?”
This silenced everyone. Strange are the ways of Saints, but through this story, we were taught that we should always realize the importance of the Vrindavan Raj. All glories to Vrindavan Raj.